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An exclusive interview with HKSAR Executive Council member Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee
The Point: Exclusive interview with HKSAR's Regina Ip Lau Suk Yee
Trailblazing Hong Kong women: Exclusive interview with Regina Ip
That's how it is: Regina Ip Lau Suk yee
Regina Ip Urges End to Hong Kong Protests
Regina Ip: Has China Kept Its Promises to Hong Kong?
Hong Kong government has been indecisive in quelling unrest: Lawmaker Regina Ip
HK lawmaker Regina Ip: New Election Committee able to represent HK people's will
New HKSAR LegCo Agenda: The View from Regina Ip
Hong Kong lawmaker Regina Ip Lau Suk yee alleges double standards
Regina Ip is #FacebookLive with SCMP to discuss her CE bid
Regina Ip Appointed Convenor of John Lee's De-facto Cabinet | HKIBC News